Documents, Slides, etc.
On this page a list of documents, slides, etc. about Health Telematics and Informatics is displayed. Beside consulting these documents you are able to review and comment some of them.
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1. Articles on 1999 European Telemedicine State-of-Art
- a) The Human Brain: The Final Frontier for Human Computer Interfaces # Human Computer Interfaces 1
- b) Trends on Wireless Systems Radio and Satellite # The information and communication services...
- c) Virtual Reality in Clinical Medicine # Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Lab.
- d) The Multimedia Network in EXPO 98 # A Wired ATM Broadband backbone over Fiber Optics
- e) EUROPEAN IST 98 PRIZE # AET's 3D medical image processing product
2. Documents Listed in Alphabetical Order:
- a) AIM (1991-1994) # Final Report September 1996
- b) CEN/TC 251 # CEN/TC 251 Booklet April 1996 # European Standardisation - Definitions and descriptions April 1996 # Healthcare Information System Architecture Part 1 (HISA) Healthcare Middleware Layer
- c) Health Telematics 1994-1998 # Initial Project Description (1996) # Compendium May 1998
- d) EHTO Journal # Volume 1 Number 1 March 1996 # Volume 1 Number 2 June 1996 # Volume 1 Number 3 October 1996 # Volume 1 Number 4 February 1997 # Volume 1 Number 5 September 1997
- e) PROREC-BE VZW # Annual Report 1996 April 1997 # General Assembly Seminar September 1997 # Annual Report 1997 May 1998
- f) Security These articles have been delivered by Michael Flahive, publisher of the EHTO Journal. September 1998 # Data Confidentiality and Security - it's YOUR Problem - # Status of Data Protection in the United Kingdom # Data Protection in Finland # Confidentiality in Healthcare in Greece # UK Review of Non-Clinical Use of Patient Information
- f) Strategic Requirements Board # Report October 1997
- g) TelMed - The Impact of Telematics on the Healthcare Sector in Europe # Deliverable No. 02: Interim Report June 1996 # Deliverable No. 03 : Final Report November 1996
- h) Trends in Health Telematics in the European Union # 1996 edition June 1996
3. Slides
- Intellectual Property in R&TD Results August 1997 EC, DGXIII
- EHTO's Presentation Material
4. Questionnaires
- Healthwatch
- Telecat