Ho to start on this EHTO web
EHTO is a meeting place for persons wanting to find and/or display multimedia information on what is going on in the field of HEALTH TELEMATICS. The navigation at the left has been set-up in order to enable you finding the information you need with only a few clicks with your mouse.
The Observatory gives you more information on the objectives and structure of EHTO. It also gives access to guidelines for submitting your own multimedia documents.
Documents allow you to view, comment and/or download any public multimedia document on this site (reports, presentations, slides,acronyms, sound and videos).
Interactive Space enables you to comment on documents, send public questions, search for partners (through ?profiles of interest?), advertise for your activities and/or products, set up or participate to public or private discussion fora
Satellite Sites gives you access to other Observatories from other Countries inside or outside Europe where you can find and/or display information (in that Country language) more specific to its health care structure and culture. You also find a MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) for the creation of EHTO-affiliated sites
European R&D gives you descriptions and full contact information for past and present EU funded research in health telematics. It will link you directly to corresponding web sites and demonstrations if they exist. It links you also to the best official sites for more information on any other activity of the European Union.
Standardisation provides full information health telematics standardisation activities and results the world over
Assessment provides full information on the assessment of technologies in the health care domain and links to assessment agencies or organisations specialised in assessment in health care.
Legal Matters Provides information on legal issues (such as security and confidentiality) in health care telematics and on IPR (intellectual property right) issues.
Member States gives you spot news on activities in other Countries
Virtual Demo Site shows or links you to multimedia demonstration of health telematics products or events. Through virtual workshops it enables you to participate publicly to the preparation of conferences.
Events points to past and future conferences and/or exhibitions. It links you to the abstracts or reports when available.
Journal displays the content of previous and current EHTO Journal issues
Related Links give access to other web sites. For some of them it gives a brief description of their content and/or purpose. A simple thematic classification is used.